Page 82 - Load Bank Rentals
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NAUTILUS 250R                                                                                              ®

        250KW Resistive Water Cooled Load Bank
                                                                                                     Insight     Onsite

        Dimensions and Key Features

        Load Cell                           Power Wiring                        Sensors

        1 x 250 kW load, consisting of heavy-  150°C insulated; color-coded and   Main manifold flow transducer, 4-20mA;
        gauge, steel housing, load elements,   numbered, XLP insulation         inlet water temp thermocouple, exhaust
        control valves and sensors as described                                 water temp thermocouple; cell pressure.
        below                               Control Wiring
        Load Elements                                                           Enclosure
                                            90°C, color-coded and numbered
        Immersion type, tubular construction,                                   Type 1 indoor freestanding.  Approx 24”
        stainless steel or Incolloy sheathed,   Power Connection                W x 72” H x 36” D.
        chromium-alloy conductor. Screw-plug                                    Water flow control
        mounting.                           Cam-Type connectors, 1 x 4/0 (400A)
        Load Control                        per phase and 1 x ground. Bulk-head   Equipped with main inlet and outlet
                                            mount connectors installed on front.   shutoff ball valves, pressure relief valve.
        Triac and Branch circuit contactors,                                    Motorized gate valve on inlet for water
        each 25 kw or 50 kW circuit.        System Protection                   flow control.

        Element Circuit Protection          Sensors:  Protection for High water
                                            temperature; Low water flow; High
        Branch circuit fuses, each 50 kW branch   pressure. Alarm and shutdown upon
        circuit or each step.               failure detection

        SIMPLEX INC.                                                               © 2021 Simplex, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
        5300 Rising Moon Road, Springfield, IL 62711 • • 800-637-8603  Printed in the USA  •  2103-02.00  •  Page 82
        Nationwide Manufacturing (ISO9001: 2015 certified)                         Design subject to change without notice.
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