Page 15 - Load Bank Rentals
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Swift-e R

                                                                                              Portable Load Bank
                                                                                                     10KW - 20KW

            10kw, 15kw, 20kw
            120/240vAC, 2/3-wire, single-phase
            250w resolution

            Quick and easy testing of small
            generators and AC power sources is
            possible with the Simplex Swift-e.
            Portable, fully self-contained, lightweight
            and hand transportable, the Swift-e
            can be used to test and maintain small
            engine generators:
            • Residential standby
            • Contractor generators
            • Marine generators
            • RV generators
            • Small wind turbines
            The Swift-e is also suitable for other AC
            power sources:
            • 120/240v panelboards and distribution
            • Inverters
            • Small UPS                                                                      Rental Duty
            Swift-e’s are available in three versions:                                   for RV, Marine, and
            • Swift-e: 10kw                                                           Other Small Generators
            • Swift-e+: 15kw
            • Swift-e Ultra: 20kw
            All versions are:                   Ratings                             Load control: Panel mounted toggle
                                                                                    switches for each load step and master
            • Switchable in 250w steps          Swift-e: 10,000 watts, 120/240V AC,   load control. Main contactor for master
            • 120/240vAC re-connectable         single-phase                        load control/block loading.
            All control and cooling circuits operate   Swift-e+: 15,000 watts, 120/240V AC,   Load element circuit protection: Main
            from the source under test. Digital test   single-phase                 circuit breaker with overload/short circuit
            instrumentation and connections cables                                  trips.
            are included.                       Swift-e Ultra: 20,000 watts, 120/240V AC,
                                                single-phase                        Overtemperature sensor to trip main
            Instrument/Control Panel                                                contactor and activate alarm indicator.
            Digital Power Meter:                Features                            Overvoltage sensor to protect against
            • AC Voltage,  1/2%, + 1 digit      Load elements: Sealed, tubular-     incorrect connection of load bank
                                                                                    (connection of 240V to 120V circuits).
            • AC Amperes, 1/2%, + 1 digit       type element consisting of nichrome   Trips main contactor and activates alarm
            • Frequency,  1/2%. + 1 digit       resistance wire sealed within an incolloy   indicator.
                                                sheath (nickel alloy). Electrically dead
            • KW, 1%, + 2 digits                exterior of element reduces hazard   Connection cable set, 10’, with ring lug
            • Power Factor, 2%, + 2 digits      of electric shock and short circuit of   terminations.
            Master load switch, applies all load                                    NEMA type 1 enclosure, aluminum
            preset with load step toggle switches  Element is rustproof, vibration and   construction, powder coated nickel-
            Load step toggle switches           shock proof.                        metallic. Includes rubber feet,
                                                                                    combination carry handles and cable
            Fan/control power toggle switch                                         wrap.

            © 2021 Simplex, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  SIMPLEX INC.
            Printed in the USA  •  2103-02.00  •  Page 15  5300 Rising Moon Road, Springfield, IL 62711 • • 800-637-8603
            Design subject to change without notice.  Nationwide Manufacturing (ISO9001: 2015 certified)
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