Page 69 - Load Bank Rentals
P. 69


                                                                    5 MVA, 0.8 P.F. Container Load Bank

            Overview                            the important design features of a   which is removable for remote control.
                                                container, including holding true to ISO   Software is available for control from
            •  Very high capacity, resistive/inductive   container dimensions, incorporating   a user supplied Windows PC. Simplex
              portable Load Bank                ISO container corner locking pins and   AutoTest software is available for full
            •  5.0MVA, 4.0MW, 3.0MVAR           using heavy-duty formed and tubular   testing automation.
                                                steel construction in a massive, rugged
            •  Low voltage to 690vAC            weldment. A purpose-built enclosure   Features
            •  ISO 20’ Container style enclosure   eliminates the compromises inherent
                                                in reworking a used shipping container.
            •  Digital load control             The resultant enclosure provides    •  Rugged, purpose built container style
                                                4-sided service access and generous   enclosure based upon standard ISO
                                                                                      20-foot, high-cube design
            Features                            internal space while maintaining
                                                structural integrity.               •  Formed and tubular steel massive
            The Simplex Solar-5 is a very large   The Solar-5 is intended for severe   weldment
            capacity, resistive/inductive portable   portable duty. As such, the unit buttons-  •  Powered exhaust louvers
            load bank capable of 0.8 power factor   up tight when not in use. Hot air exhaust
            loads to 5.0MVA (4.0MW, 3.0MVAR).   is vertical, through roof mounted   •  Generous internal space and 4-sided
            The Solar-5 is designed for low voltage   electrically operated louvers. Air intakes   access
            application to 690vAC. PLC based    are on the side and covered by manual   •  Powr-Web resistive load elements
            digital load control with touchscreen   hatches. The load bank is also suitable
            operator interface is standard. The unit   for stationary application.  •  Iron-core inductors
            is network capable with other Solar                                     •  IEC contactors
            Load Banks as well as most standard   Two means of power connection are   •  Branch circuit fuse protection
            Simplex Load Banks in order to form   provided: copper bus bars for bolt-on
            large, ultra high capacity systems which   cables, and Cam-Lock type connectors   •  Copper bus bar and Cam-Lock style
            can be controlled from a single operator   for Cam-lock type terminated cable.   cable connection provisions
            interface with totalized data acquisition.   The Solar-5 is equipped with the   •  Comprehensive malfunction detection
            The Solar-5 is packaged in a purpose-  advanced Simplex Digital Control   system
            built, ISO 20’, high-cube container   System which provides touchscreen   •  Digital control and data acquisition
            STYLE enclosure. Rather than re-    operator interface, keypad load entry,
            purposing used ISO shipping containers,   data display and acquisition, Ethernet   •  Network capable
            Simplex has ingeniously designed a   remote control. The load bank is   •  Automation software available
            purpose-built enclosure which includes   equipped with a local operator interface

            © 2021 Simplex, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  SIMPLEX INC.
            Printed in the USA  •  2103-02.00  •  Page 69  5300 Rising Moon Road, Springfield, IL 62711 • • 800-637-8603
            Design subject to change without notice.  Nationwide Manufacturing (ISO9001: 2015 certified)
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