Page 5 - Load Bank Rentals
P. 5
of Load Bank Rentals
Sizing and Running Cables Heat and Airflow Safety
Rental cables listed in this catalog should be The user needs to appreciate how hot a load Load banks are not inherently dangerous but
operated at approximately 85% maximum of bank gets and how much hot air is produced. there are dangers that exist with operation
their open air current rating. Ampere ratings As a guide, temp rise (F) = KW x 3000/CFM. of load banks. This is a technical, industrial
listed are the NEC free air ratings. Cables Load banks are heat producing devices product and should only be set-up and
listed are suitable for wet or dry aboveground and must be ventilated. Observe the CFM operated by trained, technical personnel
use and should be run in a well ventilated capacity of the load bank and be certain that who are specifically authorized by the renter.
area. Keep cable splice points out of water. equivalent air intake is provided. If operated Be certain that all equipment is properly
3-phase cables must be of absolutely equal indoors, be cautious to prevent recirculation grounded. Carefully check cables for wear
length, especially when multiple cables of exhaust air and observe ambient and tear, insulation damage. Check all cam-
are run per phase. Run 3-phase cables temperatures. Do not operate vertical airflow lock connectors that connections are made
in 3-phase groupings, ideally arrayed in a load banks under a close ceiling. Maintain a sound and tight including both connector
triangle, but at least side-by-side. Never max ambient of no more than 125°F. Load mating (the connector twist-tightens) and
separate phases into A-B-C clusters as this banks greater than 110kw (Powerstar 110) the cable within the connector. Be certain
can lead to electromagnetically induced are ideally operated outdoors and extreme that cables are phased correctly. A circuit
current imbalances, voltage drops and cable caution should be exercised in the 100-700kw breaker or fuse set is required at the power
overheating. range. Above 700kw, an indoor space would source sized appropriately for the conductor
have to be voluminous and well ventilated. run. Be sure to run adequate ampacity
Ground Cables Indoors, note the presence of sprinkler heads of cables. Check that generator voltage
Run at least 33% ground capacity. Connect as the load bank WILL ACTIVATE sprinklers corresponds to load bank voltage. Check
ground cables to ground terminals or ground very quickly. Outdoors, be observant of correct airflow direction and if it is necessary
bar in the load bank. Connect the other end adjacent equipment, buildings, plantings. to reverse cooling fan direction, allow fan to
to the generator ground. Be sure that the Operate in an area with clear sky above. fully stop before reversing. Provide the CFM
generator is solidly grounded to earth ground. Avoid putting the load bank in a virtual pit required at an ambient not to exceed 125°F.
Avoid multiple earth grounds as this can lead by surrounding it with tall walls or buildings. Be observant of airflow restrictions and
to potential differences among the ground Space multiple load banks 4-6 feet apart, recirculation of airflow. Be careful that foreign
points with resultant circulating ground greater with larger units. objects are not drawn into cooling intakes.
currents. Do not operate indoor load banks in the rain.
Observe common and accepted practices
when operated high voltage electrical
equipment. Note that load bank exterior,
exhaust screens and other sheet metal parts
can be very hot. Wear hearing protection as
Rental Load Bank Considerations
1. Capacity required for the test: KW, 5. Control requirements: local/remote,
power factor, Voltage manual/automatic
2. Rental Load Bank System 6. Data acquisition requirements
Architecture: one unit or multiple 7. Connection cable requirements
networked units
3. Site conditions for the test: indoor/ 8. Technician/operator requirements
outdoor, ventilation and access 9. Other accessories needed
limitations, environmental conditions
4. Duration of test, if system is to remain
set-up for long periods
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