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Load Bank Maintenance

Load Bank Maintenance Schedules

Simplex Load Banks are designed to require minimum maintenance. All components have been chosen for a long, reliable life. Two basic intervals of maintenance are required: "Each Operation" and "Every 50 Hours of Operation or 6 Months" (whichever comes first.)

Each Operation

The air intake screens and louvers, fan and cooling chamber, and exhaust openings must be checked for any obstructions or foreign objects. Check fan blades for stress fractures. Due to the high volume of air circulated, paper and other items can be drawn into the air intakes. During Load Bank operation, we ensure that air is exiting from the top exhaust vent.

The load branches should be checked for blown fuses or opened load resistors. To check the fuses or load resistors, operate the Load Bank from a balanced 3-phase source and check the three-line currents. The three current readings should be essentially the same. If a sizable difference is noted one or more load fuses or load resistors may have malfunctioned.

WARNING - For continued safety and for maximum equipment protection, always replace fuses with one of equal rating only.

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