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Atlantis 500R


The Atlantis-Series is an attractive alternative to air-cooled Load Banks. It is perfectly quiet and cool running; extremely compact and may be installed in otherwise unutilized space. And it is virtually maintenance free. The Atlantis-500 is ideal for data center chiller system commissioning. With its large 4-inch water connections and minimal pressure drop, the Atlantis will accept the high water flows required for limited temperature rise, typically 12.5°F. Multiple Atlantis Load Banks can be networked to form large systems controlled from a single operator interface. In addition, the Atlantis shares the same control architecture with the Simplex Nautilus-250 permitting any number of Atlantis and Nautilus Load Banks to be networked together.

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  • Multiple Atlantis 500R Load Banks can be networked to form large systems controlled from a single operator interface. In addition, the Atlantis shares the same control architecture with the Simplex Nautilus-250, 250kw water-cooled load bank, permitting any number of Atlantis and Nautilus Load Banks to be networked together.

Control System

  • Digital control portable touchscreen with V-A-Hz-KW display.
  • Multiple Atlantis 500R Load Banks can be networked to form large systems controlled from a single operator interface. In addition, the Atlantis shares the same control architecture with the Simplex Nautilus R, 250kw water-cooled load bank, permitting any number of Atlantis and Nautilus Load Banks to be networked together.

Load Cell

  • Each load cell includes sensors for normal operation, cooling failure, overpressure and loss of flow / low water level.

Load Elements

  • Each load cell includes sensors for normal operation, cooling failure, overpressure and loss of flow / low water level.
  • Load elements are water immersion power resistors. Load control is via magnetic contactors with branch circuit power fuses.

Control Power

  • Control power for the Load Bank is provided by 120V, transformer isolated, internal power supplies. Control power is derived internally from the connected power source or from an external source./td>

Power Distribution

  • Power distribution within the Load Bank is via a 3-phase main copper load bus. Field connections are via cam-lok type connectors.

Cooling Media

  • The Atlantis 500 R is suitable for use with a variety of cooling media, including city water (nominal 50 PSI), closed loop chilled water systems, heat exchanger systems, pumped water from natural sources (lake, river, etc.) or brine or sea water (requires optional nickel alloy construction and elements)


Load TypeResistive
Power Factor1.0
VoltagesLow voltage to 600V, specify
Frequency50, 60, 400 Hz
Load Steps50KW resolution standard. 1-5-10-25KW resolution available.
Load ConnectionCam-Type
Load ControlDigital Controller
CoolantChiller, city water, closed-loop heat exchanger, natural water (river, lake, etc.)
CoolingNormal Duty: 10 GPM per 100KW, 62.5°F rise
Minimum Cooling Requirements6.25 GPM per 100KW, 100°F rise, outlet not to exceed 170°F
Typical Duty, Chilled Water Systems, 50 GPM per 100KW, 12.5°F rise
Coolant RequirementsKW = GPM x Temp. Rise (F) x .16, GPM = KW / (Temp. Rise x .16)
Temp. Rise (F) = KW / (GPM x .16)
Particles must be less than 150 microns or a filter is required
Pressure Drop5 PSI or less
Control PowerInternal or external source, transformer isolated, 120V
Pressure180 PSI test pressure, 50 PSI nominal / operating pressure
Duty CycleContinuous
Dimensions60″W x 76.75″H x 42″D
Outdoor SuitableNo

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