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AutoTest Software


Simplex Auto Test Software delivers full automation of generator load testing when applied with a load bank system equipped with AutoTest hardware. Simplex AutoTest provides user-definable automated load-test routines, pass-fail analysis, data collection and report generation. Auto Test is equally applicable to field testing, performance-proving, commissioning and acceptance of generator sets.

We are experts at building products that meet our customer's exact requirements. Contact Simplex if your job specifications require additional options or considerations.


  • Use with Simplex resistive and resistive/reactive load banks, as new equipment or as a field upgrade.
  • Equally applicable to field testing, performance-proving, commissioning and acceptance of generator sets.
  • Communicates with the load bank over a dedicated ethernet system.
  • May be user configured for automated test per specific generator rating, model, serial number or bar-code scan.
  • Test routines defined as KW versus time, KW at power factor versus time, percent load versus time, etc. Each routine can be saved to memory.
  • Pass-fail performance criteria can be pre-set and saved as either global set points or as specific generator settings.
  • Typical pass-fail criteria are voltage error and frequency error under transient and steady-state loads.
  • Full manual load control is also possible with loads entered as direct entries, as percents, as analog mimic panel switches, or other user configurable interface.
  • High accuracy digital and analog capture and display of voltage, amperes, frequency, KW, KVAR, power factor.
  • Engine data can be collected as well from appropriate network devices and may be integrated for pass-fail analysis, displayed on the main operating screen as well as reported in the test documentation.
  • May be networked to central management systems and data collection systems for display of values and collection of data.
  • AutoTest equipped load banks can be networked to parallel individual cells to form a larger virtual test cell.


  • Personal computer with Microsoft Windows XP or Windows 7 Operating System
  • Dedicated ethernet


  • Running time and accumulated time, KW/KVAR-hours, and harmonic analysis.
  • May be applied to other brands of load banks when equipped with the appropriate hardware.

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