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Fuel Supply Fundamentals

What are the Elements of Fuel Supply?

From simple manual Day Tanks to large complex Mission Critical Systems, fuel supply systems and components provide for safe, reliable handling, storage and use of liquid fuel.


Mission Critical and Custom Design and Build

Mission Critical Fuel Supply Systems are comprehensive, integrated, project-matched fuel management systems for diesel and turbine generators used in critical applications demanding the highest reliability where utmost dispatch dependability is essential.

Custom Designed Project-Matched Systems are built-to-order for a specific project or need. Various components and options can be combined, or Simplex can create a custom solution based on specific requirements.


Fuel Delivery

Tank Filling Systems, Packaged Pump Sets and Skid-Mounted Pump Sets provide a complete range of solutions for filling fuel tanks safely and easily, with options such as leak detection and alarms, spill containment, automatic shutoff and lockout, fire-rated shutoff valves and lockable enclosures.

Fuel Filtration

Fuel Supply Filtration is especially important considering the stringent fuel quality requirements of modern industrial engines where fuel quality impacts engine performance, reliability and emissions. Many studies have indicated poor fuel quality as a major cause of dispatch failure of standby power systems. Fuel Supply Filtration Systems attack and correct these sources of fuel degradation, becoming a critical element in the chain of reliability of standby power systems by providing a maintenance system for fuel oil in bulk, long-term storage.

Fuel Supply Monitoring

Fuel supply monitors provide safe, reliable evaluation of fuel levels, with leak sensors, pressure switches, overfill preventors or other sensors that activate alarms or initiate pump control functions.

Fuel Storage

Fuel Tanks provide a reliable, local source of fuel for stationary diesel or turbine engine driven equipment, including generator sets, pumps and mechanical drives. Day Tanks are generally used to keep generators running, Filtration Tanks ensure clean fuel, and Fuel Tank Systems provide a complete package for standard and custom needs.

Schedule a Consultation

Simplex will be happy to consult with you about your fuel supply needs. Please call us at 800-637-8603.

Mission Critical

Mission Critical Fuel Supply Systems are comprehensive, integrated, project-matched fuel management systems for diesel and turbine generators used in critical applications demanding the highest reliability, such as data centers, public safety and security nodes, transportation hubs and other applications where utmost dispatch dependability is essential.

The scope of Mission Critical Fuel Supply Systems spans from the point of fuel delivery to the facility to the engine fuel pump, potentially covering every aspect of the system except basic infrastructure, such as pipe and bulk supply tanks.

The system is comprised of the critical elements of active control in the delivery, storage, transfer and management of fuel to the engine.


Typical Mission Critical System Components

  • Master Control Panel
  • Main Transfer Pump Sets
  • Return Tanks and Controllers
  • Fuel Filtration and Conditioning
  • Main Tank Filling
  • Receiving Line Filtration
  • Receiving Tank and Pump Controllers
  • Engine Fuel Filter Skids
  • Remote Monitoring Panels
  • Network Interface Modules

Is Your Critical Infrastructure Fueled for Success?

Explore our reliable fuel supply solutions.


Tank Filling Systems

Tank Filling Systems provide a quick and easy means of filling aboveground storage tanks primarily but also some underground storage tanks from grade level while eliminating the need for ladders or stairs to access the top of the tank.

Fuel Delivery systems provide an easy method of filling storage tanks, eliminating ladders and allowing use of gravity trucks with tall aboveground storage tanks. Fuel Delivery Systems control and prevents spills and allows for multiple tank filling.

Some systems provide leak detection, spill containment, visual and audible level and leak alarms, continuous level indication, automatic shutoff, full draining of truck delivery hose, automatic lockout, fire rated shutoff valves and lockable enclosures.


These systems can deliver petroleum products and automotive products, including:

  • Fuel Oils
  • Jet Fuel
  • Gasoline
  • Lube Oils
  • Transmission Fluid
  • Hydraulic Oils
  • Brake Fluid
  • Antifreeze
  • Other products

Pump Sets

Packaged Pump Sets

Packaged Pump Sets are pre-engineered, integrated systems of pumps, pump drivers, controls and accessories, pre-plumbed and pre-wired, totally contained within an enclosure equipped with a leak detection basin intended for use with fuel oil or lube oil.

Various models are available with different throughput, number of pumps, horsepower and wall or pad mounting. Isolated compartments are provided for mechanical and electrical devices. Full system integration of pumps, starters, controls, tank monitors, tank level controls, alarm panels and accessories is provided for a complete solution.

Skid-Mounted Pump Sets

Skid-Mounted Pump sets utilize a traditional open skid design. Design flexibility can accommodate a wide variety of pumps, motors and accessories. Plumbing is hard piped. Because of the open catch basin design, they are suitable for indoor installation only. Options are available from relatively simple single pump applications to relatively large and/or complex single pumps, or progressively complex or large duplex pump applications.

Schedule a Consultation

Simplex will be happy to consult with you about compatibility of materials. Call us at 800-637-8603.


Causes of Fuel Contamination

Fuel Supply Filtration is especially important considering the stringent fuel quality requirements of modern industrial engines where fuel quality impacts engine performance, reliability and emissions. Many studies have indicated poor fuel quality as a major cause of dispatch failure of standby power systems. Fuel in long-term storage is subject to degradation from bacteria, fungi, yeast, mold and algae. Fuel oil is a favorable medium for the growth of these microorganisms. Given water and a source of oxygen, microbes “feed” on the constituents of fuel, namely carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur and other trace minerals. Persistent water contamination of fuel oil will allow for the proliferation of these microbes. Not only is the chemical makeup of the fuel being attacked, but these microbes deposit contaminants also which can clog engine filters, or worse, injectors. Unscheduled downtime is the result.


Where does this water originate? Uncertain quality of fuel deliveries is one source. However, simple atmospheric condensation and the resultant accumulation of water in a vented tank certainly represents the source of long-term and persistent water in fuel. Particulate contamination is a significant source of fuel oil degradation as well and can occur in long-term storage due to tank corrosion or from contaminants accumulating over the course of many deliveries.

Keep in mind a simple fact. There are 8760 hours in a year. A typical standby generator set may run less than 300 hours a year. During the remaining 8500 hours of engine “quiet time”, microbes and corrosion continue their work of degrading fuel.

Preventing Fuel Contamination

Fuel Supply Filtration Systems attack and correct these sources of fuel degradation, becomming a critical element in the chain of reliability of standby power systems by providing a maintenance system for fuel oil in bulk, long-term storage. Some systems offer indoor or outdoor permanent, on-site installation, while others are portable field and jobsite use as fuel filtration and conditioning units.

Various products are available from fully automated comprehensive systems including pump, filter and water removal elements, controller to fully portable and self-contained units easily movable by a single person.

Filtration Options

Options are plentiful and flexible, including:

  • Water retention tank
  • Automatic water drain to retention tank
  • Fuel additive tank and injection pump, with full automation
  • Multi-tank filtration
  • Multi-tank crossfeed
  • Outdoor and stainless-steel construction
  • Hazardous environment, explosion-proof construction
  • Marine or severe duty construction


Level Controllers

Level Controllers are relay based, float switch activated, multifunction liquid level controllers. Various configurations allow controllers to be supplied for any tank construction.

Controllers are activated by level point sensing float switches. The controller may be supplied with an optional float switch-level transmitter assembly designed to the specific tank dimensions along with a number of mounting configurations.


The controller can also accept float switch/point level sensing contact closures from other, buyer supplied devices such as leak sensors, pressure switches or other sensors. Depending on mode selected, these inputs will activate alarms or initiate pump control functions.

The standard level transmitter is suitable for use with class-II flammable liquids or water.

Optional level transmitters are available for:

  • Intrinsically safe transmitters for use with Class I liquids
  • Alloy or plastic materials for use with corrosive liquids

Simplex will be happy to consult with you about compatibility of materials. Call us at 800-637-8603.

Overfill Preventers

Overfill Preventers are used to control tank filling and prevent overfill by providing continuous level indication, tank full level audible and visual alarm, high fuel level audible and visual alarm and shut-off. Leaks can be detected by receiving a signal from an external tank leak sensor to activate an alarm, send a remote signal and automatically close the fill valve.

Tank Alarm Panels

Tank Alarm Panels are used to monitor high level, low level, and tank leak alarms. Some models provide both audio and visual indication with relay dry contacts for remote alarms. Panels receive signals from tank-mounted float switches, which may be included as an option or provided by others.


Fuel Tanks

Fuel Tanks provide a reliable, local source of fuel for stationary diesel or turbine engine driven equipment, including generator sets, pumps and mechanical drives.

Fuel Tank Systems

Fuel Tank Systems are sold as a package of integrated components including tank, gauges, controllers and pumps. Tanks are suitable for indoor or outdoor installation and specifically designed for high-reliability fuel systems. Primary applications include Day Tanks, main supply tanks, transfer tanks and return tanks. Tank controls can be networked with fuel supply system products and with leading building management systems.


Filtration Tanks

The incorporation of an on-board filter-separator into a Day Tank, return tank or source tank re-circulates fuel in a day tank to remove harmful particles and water. An on-board pump is required and can be either an included fill pump or retury pump.

Fire-Rated Fuel Tanks

Fire-Rated Fuel Tanks are designed and manufactured with special consideration to piping, valves, sensors and venting to maintain the overall fire-rated integrity of the system. Automatic self-closing valves at all points of connection are used where the melt-out of the connection in a fire event could cause the discharge of fuel into the fire.

Day Tanks

Day Tanks are traditionally used to supply generators for short periods of time, integrating a tank of required capacity with a level controller and fill control. On-board fill pumps and return pumps are typical. Remote pumping systems are available for filling of multiple tanks, management of multiple source tanks or when required by pipe run or pump size conditions. 


Some Day Tanks assume the task of automatic fuel level control, while others are manual fill, basic storage tanks. All standard and optional accessories are factory installed, wired and plumbed to form a system supported by factory drawings, manuals and services.

Other applications include:

  • Bulk fuel source tanks with pumping systems to transfer fuel to Reliant Day Tanks or to Generator Base Tanks
  • Transfer tanks
  • Return tanks to receive fuel from Reliant Day Tanks or base tanks and pump back to source tanks

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