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Key Contacts

Simplex Key Contacts

Simplex, Inc.

5300 Rising Moon Road
Springfield, IL 62711
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Remittance and Billing

Simplex, Inc.
5300 Rising Moon Road
Springfield, IL 62711

PresidentAmanda Huppx192ahupp@simplexdirect.com
Sales Administration ManagerDebbie Deckerx114debbied@simplexdirect.com
Load Bank SalesJohn Hartmanx108johnh@simplexdirect.com
Load Bank SalesJason Goodsonx106jasong@simplexdirect.com
Load Bank SalesGreg Dabneyx193gdabney@simplexdirect.com
Load Bank SalesKevin Blankenbergerx243kblankenberger@simplexdirect.com
Fuel Systems Sales ManagerDawn Smalleyx185dawns@simplexdirect.com
Fuel Systems SalesBrian Springerx167bspringer@simplexdirect.com
Fuel Systems SalesNick Jachinox142njachino@simplexdirect.com
Service/Parts Coordinatorx211service@simplexdirect.com
Logistics CoordinatorJason Vancex162jvance@simplexdirect.com
Regional ManagerKevin Nichollsx420knicholls@simplexdirect.com

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